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E por isso mesmo ficou depois bem guardada na gaveta, à espera, tempos e tempos, daquele projeto tão especial que teima em não aparecer porque a quantidade de uma meada de lã não é um número assim tão flexível para um projeto que lhe faça juz. Eu sei que muitos de vocês se vão reconhecer: todos nós temos, por vezes, compras deste tipo!
Foi o que me aconteceu com a meada Halloween da CookstonCrafts em Aberdeen. As cores eram subtis, a lã era macia, e iria para sempre lembrar-me um país onde prometi regressar. Não sabia como, mas havia de transformá-la numa peça especial.
Há uns meses atrás dei-me de caras a usar uma parte muito especial do meu stash te lã, de tecidos, de materiais e, a meada de Halloween da CookstonCrafts foi uma das que me saltou para as mãos. Eu tinha de arranjar um projeto lindo para usar pelo menos a maior parte daquela meada e não me apetecia fazer nem meias nem luvas! Ainda por cima armei-me em esquisita! Se os meus critérios todos se traduzissem efectivamente em filtros de pesquisa, creio que a internet me mandava dar uma volta… Felizmente, ao que parece, eu não sou a única que tem estes impulsos e, no meio de tantas exigências consegui encontrar o projeto perfeito para a minha meada de lã! O xaile Storm é da designer Joji Locatelli e é o projeto perfeito para uma meada de lã filha única. Não me aborreçam com “outro xaile?” porque eu vou fazer xailes as vezes que me apetecer: além de os achar peças muito femininas, são extremamente práticos (podem ser usados com xaile, como cachecol, etc), dão carácter a um guarda-roupa e fazem lembrar as mães e avós que nos vinham consolar a meio da noite ao despertar de um pesadelo. Os xailes são extremamente românticos e contam histórias!
Este xaile é leve, deliberadamente feito com agulhas grandes para o recomendado e com pontos abertos que permitem criar alguma transparência, algum interesse visual e aquele carácter romântico. Acho que ficou uma combinação cinco estrelas com a minha meada da CookstonCrafts!
Depois de o bloquear ele ficou com 180cm de comprimento e cerca de 60cm de largura, o tamanho ideal para mim!
And for that very reason it was well kept in the drawer, waiting, times and times, for that very, very special project that never comes because the quantity of a single skein of wool is not such a flexible number for for you to be able to choose a thing. I know that many of you will recognize: we all have made that kind of purchases!
That’s what happened to me with a skein of Halloween by from CookstonCrafts in Aberdeen. The colors were subtle, the wool was soft, and it would forever remind me of a country where I promised to return. I didn’t know how, but I would make it into a special piece!
A few months ago I started using a very special part of my wool stash, my fabrics stash, and other special materials. The only skein I had of Halloween by CookstonCrafts as one of the ones that jumped into my hands. I had to come up with a beautiful project to use, at least, most of that skein and I didn’t feel like making socks or gloves! Yeah, on top of that, I was picky, right?! If my criteria were all effectively translated into search filters, I believe that the internet would told me to get lost! Fortunately, it seems, I am not the only one who has these impulses and, in the midst of so many demands, I managed to find the perfect pattern for my beautiful skein! The shawl Storm is from the designer Joji Locatelli and is the perfect design for an “only child” skein of wool. Don’t bother me with that “another shawl?” because I will make shawls as often as I feel like: besides finding them very feminine pieces, they are extremely practical (they can be used as shawls, as a scarf, etc.), they give character to a wardrobe and reminds us of our mothers and grandmothers who came to rescue us in the middle of the night when we woke up from a nightmare! Shawls are extremely romantic and tell stories!
This shawl is light, deliberately made with large needles and with that open stitches that allow to create some transparency, some visual interest and that romantic character. I think it was a five star combination with my skein by CookstonCrafts. After blocking it it is 180 cm long and about 60 cm wide, the ideal size for me!
When Constança first shared her constellation quilt I immediately thought: “this is a project for me to do in the future!” Some years went by and I gained some experience with bigger quilts so I finally felt able to embark on this adventure among the stars. Gradually I bought the HapticLab kit and started to choose the materials to use on it. The quilt kit comes with a small guide, but I confess that it is not very helpful regarding the choice of the main materials so, in this case, my previous experience is worth everything. Not that anyone can’t do it because you can, but for a piece of work that requires so much investment and time, for me it is essential to make good material choices.
I chose a dark blue quilting cotton for the front because I didn’t want the compromise of the lighter shades of cobalt, but I also didn’t like the idea of removing the “blue sky imaginary” from the quilt. I prefer to give it a special twist in other details. For the back, I didn’t overthink it and chose white, especially because I don’t want it to have any influence on the quilt and because, being hand quilted, I wanted to make it clean for the stitches to be visible from the back. My batting is 80% cotton. I always prefer 100% cotton but I confess that I have the feeling that they end up shrinking slightly and, in this case, I didn’t want to take any chances. I selected a 40 cotton thread to quilt the guidelines (I still haven’t decided if I will machine quilt this part or not), embroidery 6 threads thread in the most subtle metallic tones I found, and 8 cotton embroidery thread in white and some shades of blue (I’m not really sure how I will use it yet). I equipped myself with quilting and embroidery needles, a good leader thimble and the biggest frame I had.
This is a project for many months of work, mainly because during the summer the heat will not let me work taht hard on it. So it is a project that you won’t get that much news on the blog in the meantime, but that you can follow it more regularly on my instagram and facebook accounts!