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Na minha família não há muitos artistas muito embora todos sejamos pessoas criativas que não têm medo nenhum de colocar mãos à obra. Mas entre as mais variadas carreiras profissionais, eu tenho um tio que, durante praticamente toda a sua vida profissional, fez serigrafia.
O meu tio não tem filhos e não há mais ninguém na família que tenha trabalhado a arte dele… Seria uma pena ninguém ficar com o conhecimento para a posteridade. Aconselhei-me com ele e resolvi fazer um workshop.
Depois de estudar as várias possibilidades decidi fazer um workshop com a Ana Seixas.
Eu adoro o trabalho da Ana, tenho alguns dos seus trabalhos em casa e adorei o workshop!
Não posso dizer que a serigrafia seja uma técnica muito simples de fazer em casa apesar de haver uma série de formas de fazer serigrafia simples e em pequena escala. A Ana correspondeu às minha expectativas e satisfez toda a minha curiosidade, motivou-me a vir preparada para fazer muitas impressões e levar para casa um produto pensado, desenhado e impresso por mim e que pudesse ser transformado posteriormente. Tive oportunidade de fazer impressões em papel e tecido e, como estávamos perto do natal resolvi levar alguns cortes de tecido para fazer decorações e presentes.
As primeiras impressões a sair foram estes veados que imprimi em pequenos quadrados. Em casa usei-os para fazer saquetas que podem ser perfumadas com algumas gotas de óleo essencial de pinho e penduradas na árvore de natal.
Tenho de ser honesta! Fiquei incrivelmente surpreendida com os resultados, muito feliz por ter seguido os conselhos da Ana e me ter preparado tão bem para o workshop com ideias e materiais.
There aren’t a great number of artists in my family although we all are very creative people who are not afraid to use their hands. However, among the most varied professional careers, I have an uncle who did silk screening for practically all his professional life.
My uncle has no children and there is no one else in the family who has worked on his art… It would be a pity if noone in the family kept his art for posterity. I talked about it with him and took his advice of doing a workshop.
I looked for the several possibilities and ended up making this great workshop with Ana Seixas.
I love Ana’s work, I have some of her work at home and loved her workshop!
Regarding silk screen, I can not say that it’s a simple technique to do at home despite there are several ways to adress it in a small scale. Ana met all my expectations and curiosity, motivated me to come prepared to make many impressions during the workshop and then take home several products designed and printed by me that could be wisely transformed.
I had the opportunity to make prints on paper and fabric and, as we were close to Christmas I decided to take some fabric cuts, print them out and use them to make decorations and gifts.
My first silk screen impressions were these deer silhouettes that I printed in small squares of fabric. Back home I used them to make these little sachets that can be perfumed with a few drops of pine essential oil and hunged on the Christmas tree.
I must be honest! I was incredibly surprised by the result and very happy to have followed Ana’s advice to think ahead and prepar myself with lots of materials and ideas for the workshop.
I’ve done so many Christmas projects! A pom-pom wreath for the door, the decorations for the Christmas tree, advent calendars, there are a series of handmade Christmas adventures on the blog that you can check out and try. Right now I don’t really need anything else for my home since we spent so much time inside doors this year, I really wanted a handmade adventure to bring me the Christmas spirit that I usually absorb from these projects.So this Christmas I decided to try out my very first gingerbread house.
My intention was to make a small house. But when I started making it, I realized that this will be a proper sized one!
To tell you the truth, this little experiment has dispelled many myths! The gingerbread house dough is very resistant and the gingerbread house icing, if done properly, is a very strong cement. It also is a decorative forgiving plaster that goes very well into the hands of an humble apprentice. Both make gingerbread houses much more resilient than you think!
As I am not a fan of gingerbread houses full of candy and strong colors, I opted for the “basic” gingerbread house decorations. I just used icing that gives it a somewhat minimalist look. At least I did not want to venture into big juggling right on my first try … ah, but the maternal grandfather’s genetics that I preserve inside me (fantasy enthusiast) couldn’t resist adding at least a few windows glass using gelatin sheets… just to keep the cold outside!
Overall I am very proud if it and I assume that I will make more in the following years.
I wish you a different but merry Christmas, with the light that is missing in the streets emanating, this time, from the inside out.